
Saturday 7 May 2011

The Return of the Dane

He’s done it again. Nicki P is back at the top of his game. He may have had a disastrous 2010 campaign, but he started 2011 with a bang, beating Gollob to the chequered flag. I’ve never had a strong opinion either way about Nicki Pedersen, but felt he battled to earn his place in the final and was pleased to see him win. He looked happy and relived after the final, as his wife shot down from the stands to congratulate him. It must be hard on rider’s families too, when they aren’t performing to their best and the disappointments of not winning or racing to their potential must be reflected in their home life away from the track. So it was nice to see the controversial Dane on top of the podium once again.

The exclusion of Tomasz Gollob after the incident with Nicki Pedersen obviously left a sour taste in the Poles mouths; the booing going around the stadium when he won was appalling and even more so when it continued through the whole of the Danish national anthem! It was interesting to hear that a Polish man sat near us didn’t want Gollob to do well; he was supporting the other Poles including Hampel. Just goes to show that not every Pole is a Gollob fan as we expect.
I was very excited to watch Artem Laguta race for the first time. I have previosuly watched him on TV in the World Cup and had been quite impressed by him. It was a shame he did not manage to pick up any points, but he definitely deserved points for the best kevlars... Stunning!! Very eye catching black and gold attire, even his mechanics and crew looked the part. I’m sure he will find his feet during the rest of the Grand Prix rounds; after all it’s a marathon not a sprint!

In answer to the previous posts questions:
Will Gollob start the season as he left off?
Not quite, but its early days, just look at how he started the 2010 season and where he ended up!!
Can Bomber do us Brits proud?
Respectable 7 points, but I expect he will be aiming for much more in the coming rounds.
Is Emil back to full fitness?
Certainly looked to be and he should have been happy with 3rd place on the night.
How many times can Greg Hancock be seen to be promoting Monster Energy and likewise Jason Crump with Red Bull?
This was probably getting on for the hundreds...
When will we have our first spill?
Heat 3 Bjerre and Hampel, hard decision for the referee, but Hampel was the first to hit the deck this season and Bjerre had the first exclusion.
And most importantly, how do the burgers fair compared to home?! I will never know... had to settle for a hot dog!

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